Lasting Power of Attorney

Growing older can mean problems for us and our loved ones.

What If I Am Unable To Manage My Affairs?

There may come a time in your life when you are unable to manage your financial affairs or personal welfare, owing to some form of incapacity and you will need someone to act on your behalf.

Even when we are young, we can find ourselves incapacitated owing to illness or injury and it can be invaluable having a reliable person, who is able to manage your personal affairs and remove the anxiety of having unpaid bills, at a time when you most need peace of mind.

Similarly, as we get older, the need for an attorney increases as we are more prone to illness and injuries.

By creating a Power of Attorney in advance, ensures that if the worst were to happen, you can rest assured that both your financial affairs and personal welfare are in safe hands.

Loss of mobility or illness can make it difficult to manage your affairs.

  • The prospect of unpaid bills can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety and delay someone's recovery.
  • Even the young can encounter problems due to accident or illness.
  • An elderly relative losing capacity is difficult enough for loved ones to deal with, without the added worry that finances are becoming muddled.
  • Having someone you know and trust and more importantly understands you, to manage your affairs, is far preferable than a court official.

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020 8275 0669


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